Teen Loses More Than 100 Pounds Walking To School Every Day, Drastically Changing His Appearance

Michael Watson, 17, was recently highlighted on his school district’s Facebook page. The senior student from Ohio has undergone an incredible and inspiring transformation and his efforts have gone viral.

For many years, Michael struggled with his weight. It got to a point where he couldn’t walk far lengths and was constantly out of breath. “It was just a disaster,” he says.

Around the time of his freshman year, Michael watched his brother, Richard, lose 50 pounds — which became the driving source of motivation he’d never felt before. Michael wanted to follow in his brother’s footsteps.

After years of being overweight and unhappy with his health, Michael took matters into his own hands.

He started eating healthier and making better food choices, which made a huge difference. But besides that, Michael adopted a brand new habit.

He started walking to school every single day, rain or shine, and continued to do so during his sophomore, junior and senior year.

Michael lost 115 pounds during the process, setting himself up for even more success as he prepares to graduate high school. What a transformation!

Footage provided by WJW Cleveland

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/ohio-teen-loses-weight/