Teen Jumps From Car To Push Blind Elderly Man’s Wheelchair Home Before Tornado Hits Town


Gregory Beck was rushing to get home from the grocery store before a tornado struck down in his city of St. Louis, Missouri.

Gregory, a double amputee, is legally blind and wheelchair-bound; his hurried commute home was anything but easy.

The man struggled to push himself the quarter of a mile back to his house while tornado sirens rang through the air.

His trip from the supermarket usually takes him at least 25 minutes and includes multiple stops along the way so he can rest his tired arms.

On this particular day, drivers shouted out their car windows and honked their horns at Greg, advising him to hurry home because the storm was imminent. No one stopped to physically help him, though.

That was, until a teenage boy passed by.

Seth Phillips, 16, was driving with his mom when he spotted the elderly disabled man trying to push himself up a hill. Seth asked his mother, Amber, to stop the car.

“He [Gregory] doesn’t have foot rests and has to use his partially amputated leg to help walk/roll himself a quarter mile uphill, sometimes daily,” Amber says.

Amber pulled out her phone and recorded her son’s next move — a truly heroic gesture that is now warming the hearts of viewers all across the country.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/teen-pushes-man-wheelchair-tornado/