What’s the warmest hour of the day?by cremepat<div…

What’s the warmest hour of the day? by cremepat Data is from Copernicus Data Store. It was processed and mapped in R. This is a small section of a much larger project did on temperatures in the United States. One thing I noticed after moving to Portland from LA was that it seemed to stay …

Warmest Day of the Year in the US The June values in New…

Warmest Day of the Year in the US The June values in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas reflect the impact of the North American Monsoon, a period of increased rainfall affecting the U.S. Southwest. Because these areas tend to be cloudier and wetter from July through September, the temperature is highest on average in June. …

The Coziest-Looking Mugs At Target For All Of Your Warmest Beverages

BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. All products were independently selected by editors, and the prices were accurate and items in stock at the time of publication. It’s the most wonderful time of the year: cozy season. While …