An Expert Reveals the 6 Stages of Trauma Bonding with Narcissists

As a researcher specializing in narcissism and psychopathy, I have noticed there are six common stages of trauma bonding that survivors of narcissists often go through before they become sufficiently “hooked” into the toxic relationship cycle. A trauma bond is an inextricable bond we develop with abusers through a power imbalance, intermittent reinforcement such as …

4 Trauma Responses That Double As Superpowers

As a researcher specializing in trauma, I find that survivors of trauma often identify both the positive and maladaptive elements of their trauma responses while still validating the pain they experienced. When we think of trauma responses, we often focus on how they impair and debilitate us, and for good reason. When our trauma responses …

Mom Says She’s Breaking Generational Trauma in Viral Video

In a video shared on TikTok, one mom said that she is breaking generational trauma and allowing her kids to use their voice. Details here. Cheers to breaking generational trauma! Although most of us appreciate our parents and guardians for raising us to the best of their ability, some people have been open about enduring …

Fawn Is The Trauma Response Tied To People-Pleasing and Toxic Relationships — Here’s How To Heal

You’ve likely heard of trauma responses like fight, flight, or freeze. But have you heard of “fawn?” Fawning is a trauma response characterized by appeasing a predator or complying with their demands to avoid danger and mitigate threat. According to licensed therapist and complex trauma expert Pete Walker who coined the term, “Fawn types seek …

In 1990, Oprah hosted a healing childhood trauma meditation that had people in tears in two minutes

Oprah Winfrey was a pioneer when it came to breaking taboos surrounding trauma, therapy and self-help. She also put her career on the line by coming out about being abused as a child, years before it was commonplace for celebrities to speak about their trauma. In September 1990, “The Oprah Winfrey Show” aired an iconic …

6 Behaviors “High-Functioning” Trauma Survivors Will Understand Deeply

As a researcher specializing in trauma, I often hear myths about how trauma can affect people and present itself. Here are six behaviors “high-functioning” trauma survivors will understand deeply: Being calm isn’t a sign that the trauma never happened. Many times, it is a sign that the trauma was so severe the person had to …

Ed Sheeran Copes With Different Forms Of Trauma On A ‘Subtract’ Standout, ‘Sycamore’

It’s been a rough week for Ed Sheeran. The “Eyes Closed” hitmaker has spent the last few days in court, fighting allegations of plagiarism on his 2014 hit, “Thinking Out Loud.” It was also revealed that he missed his grandmother’s funeral because he was required to appear in court during that time. Thankfully, Sheeran won …

17 Signs Of Repressed Childhood Trauma In Adulthood

2. “Standing in the Museum of Natural History in New York City, in front of a temporary exhibit on recent scientific findings regarding epigenetic changes in the brain after early childhood abuse. It was a weekend, so the place was packed and I couldn’t stop the tears. After a few minutes, a museum employee appeared …

Kevin Smith receives a flood of support after sharing how childhood trauma affected his identity

For many of us, the impacts of childhood trauma linger on insidiously. Aspects of our adult identity become shaped by those terrible chapters in our early years without us even realizing it. And because this happens at such a young age, it can take years of soul searching, not to mention professional support, before a …

6 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re a Complex Trauma Survivor

While PTSD occurs from a single traumatic event, Complex PTSD is caused by a series of repeated, prolonged traumas usually originating in childhood and continuing into adulthood. This can create a sense of captivity and an inability to escape the brutality of your adverse life circumstances. Here are six behaviors people don’t realize you may …

‘It drives my husband crazy’: Woman shares the ‘poor trauma’ habit she learned from growing up poor that she’s carried into adulthood

If you grew up anxious about financial stability, jostling for resources that many Americans take for granted, you may still cling to those trauma-sparked nervous habits—you’re not alone. TikTok user Rach (@rachgist) is one such person, revealing how she saw a TikTok video about weird habits people have brought from their childhood into their adult …