Mom tells younger women how to know if the man they're dating will be an equal parenting partner

When people get married and plan to have children, they expect that they will be in a partnership where their partner takes on equal parts of the parenting role. This doesn’t just include changing diapers and cooking meals. Parenting is much more than a few actions, it’s sharing the mental load and showing up without …

8 nontraditional empathy cards that are unlike any you've ever seen. They're perfect!

When someone you know gets seriously ill, it’s not always easy to come up with the right words to say or to find the right card to give. Emily McDowell — a former ad agency creative director and the woman behind the Los Angeles-based greeting card and textile company Emily McDowell Studio — knew all …

People are sharing things they're weirdly finicky about and finding out they're not alone

Human personalities range from super laid back to extremely picky and everything in between. But even the chillest among us have something we’re particular about—that “thing” we can’t stand or that has to be a certain way whether we have a logical reason for it or not. Some of us have multiple “things,” but precious …

This Employee Refused To Work A Christmas Shift For A Coworker With Children. Now, They're Being Accused Of Ruining A Family's Holiday Plans

“She asked me in a passive aggressive email because ‘Christmas holidays are about being with family, and because I don’t have children, I could come back on the 2nd and swap with her.’” View Entire Post › Source:

'Couple' was asked what they love about each other. Turns out they're siblings with a beautiful bond.

“Love” is one of the most powerful words in the English language, yet it’s also one of the most broadly defined. We use the word “love” for so many things that are neither the same nor equal—our families, our friends, our romantic partners, our hobbies—even our favorite foods. When we think of a “love story,” …

A dad's hilarious letter to school asks them to explain why they're living in 1968

Earlier in the week, Stephen Callaghan’s daughter Ruby came home from school. When he asked her how her day was, her answer made him raise an eyebrow. Ruby, who’s in the sixth grade at her school in Australia, told her dad that the boys would soon be taken on a field trip to Bunnings (a …