Productivity expert shares the simple, 5-second trick that'll help you stop procrastinating

It’s a wonder that humans can get anything done because we are hard-wired to procrastinate. Whenever we consider performing a task that may be boring, unpleasant, or stressful, the brain automatically sends a signal that says why not do it “later” or “tomorrow”? Humans are natural-born procrastinators because our old brain wants to protect us …

This Man’s 10-Year-Old Nephew Won’t Stop Misbehaving, So He Told Him That No One in the Family Likes Him

Well, this sounds pretty harsh… Telling a 10-year-old kid that no one likes him? Ouch! But let’s wait to pass judgment until we get all the details, okay? Read the story below and YOU decide if this guy was out of line. “This involves me (25 M), my sister “Diana” (31 F), and her son …

Husband Has Chronic Pain, But Pregnant Wife Keeps Asking Him For Favors. So He Finally Blows His Top And Tells Her To Stop Acting Like A Child.

When you get pregnant as an expecting new set of parents everything changes. It becomes “game time” real fast. That’s both an exciting, wonderful, great thing – and it’s also one to really spur you to get your ducks in a row. Maybe having a plan for the next 9 months’ day-to-day responsibilities might help. Well that …

His Brother-In-Law Won’t Stop Making Demands Of His Sister, So Teen Brother Decided To Embarrass Him By Making Him Look Helpless

This story from Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page will make you laugh, shake your head, and possibly even get a little bit angry. In other words, it has it all! And you have to decide if you think this guy acted like an ******* to his sister’s husband. Was he totally out of line? …

Co-Worker Won’t Stop Badgering Them With Emails When They’re Busy. They Finally Snapped And Sent Him A Nasty Response.

All I gotta say about this story from Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page is that one of these two people needs to either get fired or go out and find a job… Because this ain’t going well! But let’s get all the details before we decide who’s at fault. Read on and see what …

Stop Peeing “Just In Case” with Expert Advice

Urinary incontinence, or a loss of bladder control, is a common (if still under-discussed) issue, affecting anywhere between 10 and 36% of adults — especially those over 60 and especially women. There are various forms incontinence can take, such as stress incontinence (when urine leaks in response to pressure on your bladder, like when you …

Gay man has the perfect comeback to a woman who won't stop hitting on him at a bar

A gay man is getting some love for the way he handled a straight woman at a bar who behaved rather entitled towards him. A Reddit user named KineticVibes was out with his friends when he noticed a woman trying to get his attention. “I (25M) was out with friends last night and we went …

‘Beyoncé kinda gagged y’all’: Fans are reacting to Beyoncé’s new cover of Dolly Parton’s ‘Jolene,’ and the memes won’t stop

ICYMI—which, um, how?!—Beyoncé released her new album, ‘COWBOY CARTER,’ this past week, and it’s got everyone who listens yee-hawing. One of the stand-out tracks upon the record’s release was a cover of Dolly Parton’s iconic song, “Jolene.” Still, to call it a cover feels disingenuous, because it’s more like a modern reimagining of the tale …

Random Person Won’t Stop Using Woman’s Email For Her Online Deals, So She Gets Her Revenge By Stealing All Of Their Kohl’s Cash

Usernames and email addresses are highly coveted commodities in this day and age. Everyone wants a sleek, short email that’s just your first and last name, but for those of us with run of the mill names, we usually are too late. The normal protocol is just to add a bunch of random numbers at …

Rude Passenger Won’t Stop Shaking Woman’s Seat During Flight, So She Gets Her Revenge By Licking Her Hand And Grabbing Onto His

Flying is already stressful as it is. Rushing to the airport, checking luggage, not even to mention going through the dreaded TSA security checkpoint. So by the time you finally get to your assigned seat, all you’re wanting is some peace and quiet. But peace and quiet is not always what the delightful passengers around …

When these drones zoom in over elephants and rhinos, they stop horrible things from happening.

This is a story about something really exciting. Before I get into it, let me set the stage by explaining the terrible problem it’s solving. 10 years. That’s how long it’ll be until the last wild elephants and rhinoceroses are gone. 100 of them are killed every day by poachers. Even though elephants and rhinos …