Narcissistic Boss Demands Employee Hand Over Contacts, But She Gets More Than She Bargained For In The End

Leaving a toxic job can be a huge relief. But sometimes, the parting gift you leave behind can be just as satisfying. So, what would you do if your narcissistic boss demanded you notify every contact before you leave? In the following story, an employee finds a clever way to give her boss what she …

34 Travel Products That Just Make Sense To Keep On Hand

It also comes with a USB-C charging cable, travel pouch, keychain holder, quick-start guide, and a manual. Twelve South is a small business that has been creating innovative tech accessories since 2009.  Here’s what BuzzFeed editor Chelsea Stuart has to say about this device: “I splurged on some AirPod Maxes and for the amount of money I threw down on …

Rude Neighbor Leaves His Garbage Out In The Open To Get Blown Around, So They Refused To Lend Him A Helping Hand During A Blizzard

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… It pays to be a good neighbor! But some people either don’t have it in them OR they just need to learn things the hard way. Take a look at this story from Reddit…it might just convince you to be a better neighbor. “We have one …

Boss Told Employee To Stop Using Fidget Toys At Work, But HR Overruled Him. So She Kept Using Them, But Her Boss Ripped The Toy From Her Hand And Now Might Get Fired.

Everyone has their ways of dealing with stress and distractions at work, which helps them to get things done. What happens when your boss grabs your simple fidget toy out of your hands and throws it away? That is what the woman in this story experienced so she went to HR and got the manager …

Grandpa Wanted Five Scoops Of Ice Cream, So His Family Found A Creative Way To Honor His Request Without Things Getting Out Of Hand

We can’t always get what we want, because sometimes it’s not what we need – or what’s good for us. In this sweet story from Reddit, we meet a grandpa with a killer sweet tooth, and his enterprising daughter working to keep him healthy. This should hit a sweet spot for everyone today! Just a …

He Had To Hand Out Surveys To Customers But He Knew The Data Wasn’t Accurate, So He Slacked Off To Ensure He Got A Raise

There is a common myth that data is inherently objective. But the reality is that data is only as valid as the method used to collect it and if the sample size represents what it is supposed to represent. The employee in this story understands this and used his statistics skills to understand the survey …

‘Do you have to ask consent to shake somebody’s hand now?’ – Employment Candidate Spills The Tea On The “Weirdest Job Interview Ever”

The job market is very tough right now and many people have shared stories of applying to hundreds of job ads and never getting an interview. So when you do get an interview, the stakes are high and you want it to go well. No dice for TikToker @scratchqueenlauren, who gave all the details of …

Those UV Nail Dryers Could Actually Damage Your DNA And Cause Cancers Of The Hand

Everyone enjoys a little time at the spa, and even little things like letting someone else paint your nails can feel like a real luxury now and then. It makes sense that people would want the results to last as long as possible, but it turns out the UV nail dryers that set the popular …

McDonald’s Customer Refused To Pay The $0.15 Bag Charge So They Hand The Food To Her In A Plastic Container They Want Her To Give Back

I didn’t even know about this bag charge phenomenon…but it’s real, friends! A woman named Amber decided that she didn’t want to put up with the fee when she visited a McDonald’s location in Canada…and she shared the story about what went down on TikTok! Amber said, “We have got to talk about something. Have …

Scrolling in the Deep: I’m gonna hold your hand when I say this…

In today’s edition of Scrolling in the Deep, we tackle a phrase that isn’t quite slang but rather something online users say when they want to be messy without appearing downright mean. Scrolling through Twitter or TikTok, you may notice folks quoting videos or posts with, “I’m gonna hold your hand when I say this…” But …

‘I’m going to hold your hand while I tell you this’: Shopper says she found live worms in the salmon at Costco. Viewers say it’s common

Warning: Read this at your own risk of being completely grossed out. A Costco customer believes she found live worms in her fresh wild salmon. Those who have a big-box retailer membership (like for Costco, BJ’s, or Sam’s Club) often buy their salmon there because they can get big pieces of fresh salmon at a …

Cashier Sounded Off About Customers Who Pay With Change. – ‘You hand me quarters, you’re there for another five minutes.’

I go out of my way to try to NOT annoy customer service workers, so I’m glad this young woman posted the video you’re about to see on TikTok. Her name is Olivia and she took to the social media platform to let viewers know one of the pet peeves she has about her job …