‘Seinfeld’ Fans Think It’s A Shame That Netflix Is Airing The Show In The Wrong Aspect Ratio

NBC Once upon a time — for over five decades — televisions were in a different shape than they are now. TV sets used to be box-shaped. The shows that aired on them, of course, were, too. Widescreen TVs became popular in the aughts, and now any show made in the before-time runs into a …

Jerry Seinfeld Says He’s Sorry About The ‘Uncomfortable Sexual Aspect’ Of His Children’s Film ‘Bee Movie’

Jerry Seinfeld has never had another Seinfeld, the landmark ‘90s sitcom that just arrived in its entirety on Netflix. There’s been huge fanfare around the show’s new home, even though it was long available on Hulu (and also in the wrong aspect ratio). Seinfeld himself has been doing the press rounds, talking about his favorite …

Jerry Seinfeld Admits He Would ‘Fix Some Things’ With ‘Seinfeld’ If He Was Forced To

NBC All 180 episodes of Seinfeld hit Netflix on Friday, allowing a new generation to discover one of the ’90s most beloved and unique sitcoms. They’ll also discover, as they did with Friends, that there’s definitely some…shall we say, questionable stuff. Blackface jokes. Dated mores. And the general way the four anti-heroes often wallow in …

One Of Jerry Seinfeld’s Favorite ‘Seinfeld’ Moments Has Nothing To Do With Jerry

NETFLIX One of the best recurring gags on Seinfeld is the character’s fake names and aliases. There’s Art Vandelay, H.E. Pennypacker, Kel Varnsen, Susie, O’Brien and Dylan Murphy from the limo episode, and Van Nostrand, which Kramer uses multiple times over the course of nine seasons and 180 episodes. Sometimes he’s a professor, other times …