Teens were challenged to dial a number on a rotary phone in under 4 minutes. Could they do it?

The rotary phone was ubiquitous until the late ‘80s when they were replaced by push-button telephones. Then, at the turn of the millennium, those were rendered obsolete by smartphones. So anyone born in the late 1990s may have never encountered a rotary phone, even though they were in everyone’s houses for decades. It’s been years … Read more

A Musical Instrument Made Out of a Rotary Telephone and a Drum Rhythm Machine

There’s always room for more musical instruments in the world, right? You betcha! And this telephone rhythm machine is a real hoot. The folks at ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! built this gadget using an old-school rotary telephone, a KORG synthesizer, and a drum repeater rhythm machine. How cool is that?!?! Follow ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! on YouTube to see … Read more