‘McDonald’s handing us a whole bag of food not realizing we’re an Uber Eats driver’: Viral TikTok shows new reason for drive-thru chaos

Some restaurant employees are not used to dealing with delivery drivers and the process of handing out food is not always seamless (pun intended). One Uber Eats driver shared their experience going through a McDonald’s drive-thru and holding up traffic. It’s apparently an increasingly common logjam that is causing major delays for all consumers at …

Family opens a free clothing store for foster kids after realizing they own virtually nothing

When most people think about foster children they lament the fact that they have no parents. When, in most cases, the problem is much worse, they have nothing. No friends. No family. No belongings. When the police remove a child from an abusive home, the child’s things aren’t the biggest priority. In other cases, a …

14 Ways People Body-Shame Others Without Realizing It

14. And finally, “Saying ‘you’re so pretty for a big girl.’” “If a compliment requires a qualifier, it’s not a compliment. If I’m pretty, then say I’m pretty. It’s not like I was asking for your opinion on my looks. You went out of your way to compliment me, so why do you have to …

‘I am not doing this for attention’: Viral TikTok shows teen realizing she has a picture with Michigan school shooter, sparking debate

A video showing a teen realizing she had previously been in a photo with a Michigan school shooter has gained viral attention, capturing 7.2 million views on TikTok. The original video features a text overlay that reads, “When you go through a school shooting in Michigan and now (you’re) realizing you have a picture with …