“Quicksand Vibes” — Woman Watches Sinkhole Open in Parking Lot

A woman detailed how a homeowner’s associated did their job for once and fixed a sinkhole that formed outside of her town home. Source: TikTok | @kittykvne A woman detailed the drama surrounding a sinkhole that formed outside of her home and how, refreshingly, a homeowner’s association actually did some work that was to the …

Laurence Fishburne Saved A 14-Year-Old Emilio Estevez From Quicksand During The Historically Cursed Set Of ‘Apocalypse Now’

Getty Image Apocalypse Now is a strong contender for the greatest war movie ever made, but its shoot was also one of cinema’s most chaotic. There’s an entire documentary about the mess that transpired when Francis Ford Coppola tried to make a movie about the Vietnam War. (Over four decades later, he even had to …