Bartender Proves Why You Have To Know Your Worth As An Employee. – ‘I ended up working for him another 4 years.’

It can be hard to feel that you’re worthy of excellent treatment by an employer when you’re doing a “grunt” job like serving or bartending, but it’s important to remember that they almost always need you more than you need them. OP was working at a busy, fun place where he had met his girlfriend …

I told a kid a riddle my dad told me when I was 7. His answer proves how far we've come.

When I was 7, my dad told me a riddle. “A man and his son are driving in their car when they are hit by a tractor-trailer. Photo via iStock. (We were driving at the time, so of course this was the riddle he decided to tell.) The father dies instantly. The son is badly …

‘Scream 7’ controversy proves that producers and fans don’t see eye to eye

Decoding Fandom is a weekly column that dives deep into the world of fan culture and runs on Saturdays in the Daily Dot’s web_crawlr newsletter. If you want to get this column a day before we publish it, subscribe to web_crawlr, where you’ll get the daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.  When fandom and politics collide, the …

Customer Insists That Their Credit Card Works, But Manager Proves That Isn’t The Case. – ‘Would you like to sign up for our card?’

Working retail is one of the most thankless jobs there is, mostly because it means regularly dealing with the public. While some (or even most) customers try their best to be polite, there are a certain percentage of people who go out of their way to be nasty. OP rang up a purchase, but when …

Employee Proves That Computers Can’t Really Pick The Cheapest Travel Costs

I’ve never gotten to/had to travel for work, but from what I can gather, there are an awful lot of hoops to jump through when making a booking. OP does travel, and always complied with company regulations – even when they were absolutely not fair. For background it’s important to know that when I travel …

‘My record year was more than 250,000 miles.’ New Company Creates A Travel Policy That Saves Them Money, But Frequent Flier Proves Them Wrong

I always figured that when a job requires their employees to travel for work, they go out of their way to ensure that travel is as painless as possible. Apparently that’s not always true, though they might come to regret it. OP was a huge airline traveler in the course of his job, which of …

‘Guy basically looks down on all enlisted service members.’ Soldier Proves It Doesn’t Pay To Think You’re Better Than The People You Manage

It’s a good rule of thumb for managers to understand that the people that work for them are individual human beings with their own thoughts, feelings, goals, etc. If you read enough Reddit, though, you quickly realize that a good portion of them don’t. OP was an enlisted member of the Navy serving overseas in …

‘Take my break at this time no matter what.’ Customer Service Rep Proves A Point By Having Her Boss Take Over A Call

If you’ve never worked in a call center, count yourself lucky. Sure, there are some good parts, like there are with any job, but talking to people on the phone for 8-9 hours a day is training in a whole different way. One of the more frustrating aspects can be how you are scheduled down …

‘You could feel he was getting angrier with every meeting.’ Well-Liked Manager Proves What Can Happen If You Have Your Employee’s Backs

There are a ton of stories that tell the sad tale of what can happen when companies don’t value their employees or the people who work directly with them. OP began working for a guy that he met at NA, and really enjoyed not only the work, but working for a great manager. I’ve met …

A popular optical illusion with a mindbending twist proves we can't trust our senses

Optical illusions are universally beloved for how they trick our brains and blow our minds. There’s a reason we enjoy magic shows and Escher paintings and are mesmerized by fake oases in the desert. We love seeing things that bend our perceptions of reality, and the science behind the magic always proves fascinating as well. …

‘The looks of betrayal they gave him were priceless.’ Bouncer Proves You Might Want To Think Twice Before Cheaping Out On A Cover

I don’t know about you, but I always love to see people being super cheap get their comeuppance. It’s one thing if someone clearly can’t afford something, but a $4 cover when you’re going to be buying alcohol all night? Sir. OP worked as a bouncer at a place with a cheap cover. The only …