The personal pronoun “We” in Scandinavian…

The personal pronoun “We” in Scandinavian dialects. by jkvatterholm  Same as the one I made for the pronoun “I”. I made it by looking at primary and secondary sources wherever I could find. It’s very likely that some places I marked as “vi” say something else, and also that places I mark as something else …

The pronoun “I” in North Germanic languages. by…

The pronoun “I” in North Germanic languages. by jkvatterholm The Proto Norse form was “ek” and “eka”. In the form “eka” the e split into “ja”, making the pronouns in the norse period be “jak” and “ek” in standardised spelling. “Jak” was common in the east, as seen on the map. In Icelandic as well …

Lil Uzi Vert’s Coachella Merchandise Cleverly Turned Eminem’s Name Into A Pronoun

Getty Image Last December, Lil Uzi Vert told TMZ that they wanted to at least pause their music career “to make women’s clothes.” Uzi might be using Coachella 2024 for a dry run of their designs. The Philadelphia rapper hasn’t abandoned music entirely, seeing as their main purpose for being at Coachella is to perform …

Far-right embraces mass murderer’s pronoun choice to troll grieving LGBTQ community

The LGBTQ community is still reeling from last weekend’s mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado. Five were killed and 19 injured in a matter of minutes before a brave patron tackled and subdued the shooter. Now the far right is using the shooter’s choice of pronouns to mock a grieving community. The alleged shooter, …

There’s no evidence Tucker Carlson’s Twitter was hacked to include gender pronoun

Twitter users are questioning whether Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s Twitter account was compromised after pronouns and a Ukrainian flag appeared in his bio. Numerous screenshots of Carlson’s profile, which also includes the phrase “Fully vaccinated,” began circulating across Twitter this week alongside speculation over the cause. The popular YouTuber known as shoe0nhead was among …