What is the Powerball jackpot? And how does Powerball work?

If you’ve ever fantasized about winning the Powerball jackpot, you’re not alone—especially at times like this, when the top prize amount approaches the $1 billion mark, as it’s now doing ahead of Saturday’s drawing. If you wonder how the Powerball jackpot came to be, and how Powerball works, read on. What is Powerball? Powerball is …

The Real Odds To Winning The Powerball And How Much It Would Cost To Guarantee A Win

Yeah, somebody actually won that $1.08 billion Powerball. Just in case you were wondering, the winning numbers were 7, 10, 11, 13 and 24, with a Powerball of 24. No, I didn’t win. You didn’t either. Why? Because it’s almost statistically impossible. Of course the allure of a better life keeps people coming back to …

Fred Meyer store got $50,000 for winning Powerball ticket and gave it all to a local food bank

When someone wins a Powerball lottery jackpot, they aren’t the only ones who get a cash prize. The store that sells the winning ticket also receives a cash bonus for selling the winning ticket. The amount of the reward varies depending on the state and the total amount of the lottery, but it can end …

The Powerball Winner Is Me Or Else It’s Rigged

Tuesday has been a BIG DAY for our beloved country. In addition to the midterm elections, lottery officials have announced the winning numbers for the HISTORIC $2.04 billion Powerball jackpot. The lottery DEEP STATE wants you to believe that there was just one winning ticket sold at a gas station in Altadena, California. But that …

Why Was the Powerball Drawing Delayed? Details

The drawing was supposed to take place at 10:59 p.m. EST on Monday, Nov. 7, but the association explained to the Associated Press that they have a policy of never disclosing which lottery is having trouble processing sales. “Like the rest of America, Powerball is eager to hold its drawing for the world record jackpot, …

Powerball Hits $1.2 Billion; Why You Shouldn’t Play

Well, here we are again. Just three months after the Mega Millions jackpot soared to $1.34 billion before being scooped up by a single winning ticket in Illinois, the Powerball prize is also now at an astonishing level. After no winners for Monday night’s Halloween drawing (where the lucky numbers were 13, 19, 36, 39, …

Donald Trump Is Apparently Considering Endorsing Multiples Candidates In The Same Race Like He’s Buying Powerball Tickets Or Something

Getty Image In a move that only Donald Trump could make, the former president reportedly wants to endorse more than one candidate in the same Senate races so that way he can look like a “kingmaker” in the Republican Party as prominent voices like Ann Coulter says his time is “done.” After whiffing big in …

The Creators Of ‘Cobra Kai’ Will Set Out To Tackle A Famous Powerball Mystery Next

Netflix Riding off of the success of Cobra Kai, which started out as a YouTube hit before making the jump to Netflix, the series creators are now setting their sights on a real-life tale of an unclaimed lottery ticket. While not as fast-paced as the world of high school karate fights, the new comedy series …