A Theory Posits That O.J. Simpson’s Son Committed the Murders

William Dear is a private investigator who believes O.J. Simpson’s oldest son is actually the killer. Dear is also a character. Source: Getty Images Ron Goldman; Nicole Brown Simpson It’s impossible to explain the significance of the O.J. Simpson verdict to anyone who wasn’t a fully formed human being in October 1995. This was a …

Baffling new viral claim posits it is ‘scientifically impossible’ to travel across the Atlantic Ocean

Sailors and history enthusiasts on X were baffled by a bizarre claim from a poster over the weekend that it’s impossible to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The conversation kicked off in a thread posted by Christina Proenza-Coles, the author of the book American Founders, which is about the contributions of African people and their descendants …

Was Joe Biden secretly Lee Harvey Oswald? New QAnon theory posits JFK’s killer is in the Oval Office

Conspiracy theorists are suddenly convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald, the man accused of assassinating President John F. Kennedy in 1963, was actually Joe Biden. In numerous posts across social media over the weekend, conspiracy theorists, primarily those involved with the QAnon movement, began sharing side-by-side photographs of Oswald and Biden while suggesting that the current …