What People With Ovarian Cancer Wish You Knew

Ovarian cancer happens when there are abnormal cells in one or both of your ovaries. They’re the parts of your reproductive organs that make hormones and store eggs. There are many ways to treat ovarian cancer, including surgery or chemotherapy. Here’s what people with ovarian cancer want you to know about this condition. Kate Welsford …

Consider Fallopian Tube Removal to Avoid Ovarian Cancer

Feb. 10, 2023 — All women who have finished having children should consider having their fallopian tubes removed at the time of other scheduled pelvic surgery in order to lower their risk of developing ovarian cancer, even if they aren’t at increased risk for the deadly disease, a leading research organization has advised.  Doctors currently …

Low’s Mimi Parker Has Died Following A Battle With Ovarian Cancer

Getty Image Low’s Mimi Parker has been battling ovarian cancer since 2020. This morning (November 6), the band shared that she passed away last night “surrounded by family and love.” The drummer and vocalist was also the wife of her bandmate Alan Sparhawk. “Friends, it’s hard to put the universe into language and into a …