24 Pieces Of Obsolete Technology People Still Use Today

18. “DVD and Blu-ray. Streaming is almost never at anything approaching full resolution.” —u/SlientlySmiling “And streaming is getting increasingly more expensive. I work in a charity shop and we have a fairly good DVD section. Every time Netflix increases its fees or pisses off people by removing movies/series, our sales numbers go up. Plus, we …

Older Adults Share What Technology Has Made Obsolete

I don’t know about you guys, but I personally miss being able to slam the phone down in anger too. Are there any things you miss from the past that technology has basically made obsolete? Let me know in the comments! Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity. Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/dannicaramirez/older-adults-experiences-technology-obsolete

21 Obsolete Products That Were Major Game-Changers

21 Obsolete Products That Were Major Game-Changers Life moves quickly. The same can be said for technological advances in society. Your dad’s breakthrough product is your child’s obsolete trinket. Here are 21 products that were groundbreaking at the time but are now obsolete: 2. Wristwatches (and analog clocks) 6. Landline phones (at home) 12. Cassette …

Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today

—riwoni4997 “As an app creator, I can tell you that the old ‘pay once use forever’ model is totally broken with the modern mobile development. It’s literally unsustainable with the saturation and marketing costs. I made a journaling app that was ‘pay once use forever’ that did cost, like, 5€, but I moved it into …