Newsletter: Would you watch a Musk-Zuckerberg cage fight?

Hello fellow citizens of the internet! Andrew here. Welcome to today’s edition of web_crawlr.  Happy Friday! Our top stories today are about: Orca memes making a comeback in a big way, a ransomware group threatening to release pictures of patients from a plastic surgery clinic in Beverly Hills, former President Trump being left speechless during …

Choose your fighter: Internet divided over who would win a Musk-Zuckerberg cage fight

The internet is reacting with shock, awe, and memes after Elon Musk appeared to accept a challenge from Mark Zuckerberg to fight head-to-head in a cage match. On Wednesday, Musk tweeted that he would be “up for a cage match” if the Meta CEO agreed. Shortly after, Zuckerberg shared a screenshot of Musk’s tweet with …