A woman requested inspiring middle-age success stories, and the internet delivered—big time

Media outlets love to compile lists of impressive people under a certain age. They laud the accomplishments of fresh-faced entrepreneurs, innovators, influencers, etc., making the rest of us ooh and ahh wonder how they got so far so young. While it’s great to give credit where it’s due, such early-life success lists can make folks …

A woman requested inspiring middle-age success stories, and the internet delivered—big time

Media outlets love to compile lists of impressive people under a certain age. They laud the accomplishments of fresh-faced entrepreneurs, innovators, influencers, etc., making the rest of us ooh and ahh wonder how they got so far so young. While it’s great to give credit where it’s due, such early-life success lists can make folks …

A woman requested inspiring middle-age success stories, and the internet delivered—big time

This article originally appeared on 01.10.20 Media outlets love to compile lists of impressive people under a certain age. They laud the accomplishments of fresh-faced entrepreneurs, innovators, influencers, etc., making the rest of us ooh and ahh wonder how they got so far so young. While it’s great to give credit where it’s due, such …