‘I’m not a fake meat person’: Disney World customer with food aversion says there are no ‘safe foods’ available to her on vacation

In a trending TikTok video, a person who is visiting Disney World in Orlando shared their disappointment at the lack of vegetarian options available. In the video, J (@j.theythem.asd) is seen filming from their hotel room after going through two days of difficult food experiences on their family trip to Disney World. In the video, …

A Woman Told Her Family She Wouldn’t Be Serving Meat Because She’s A Vegetarian, But Her Family Didn’t Approve. Who’s Wrong?

There are many different dietary restrictions and choices out there, which can make hosting meals a bit tricky sometimes. Most people do their best to accommodate, because part of hosting is ensuring your guests are satisfied, safe, and happy. OP is a vegetarian and recently hosted a family dinner after she moved into a new …

‘If you take this meat that we eat to a lab and get it tested…’ A Woman Had A Wild Claim About Tyson’s Chicken Nuggets, But We Figured Out What’s Going On

Well, this is a weird one… and I’m positive it isn’t true. But… we love highlighting the weirdness that’s on TikTok, and this is definitely that. In a video posted to TikTok, a woman said that this was “the last straw” and explained that she became concerned when she was cooking some Tyson chicken nuggets …

‘I don’t buy meat from anywhere that doesn’t have an onsite butcher’: Shopper says Walmart was still selling meat that had turned brown

A user on TikTok is calling out Walmart after seeing raw meat that had turned brown still for sale on the store’s shelves. In a video with over 88,000 views as of Sunday, TikTok user Allisha Riley (@listwithallishanext) shows rows of ground beef and other beef products at Walmart. Many of the items have turned …

‘I don’t wanna feel like I’m eating the animal’: Customer says she has ‘meat anxiety’ when eating Subway turkey sandwich

Have you ever become hyper-aware of the fact that you’re eating “flesh” in the middle of eating something with meat? Apparently, tons of people do. One TikTok creator walks us through this feeling. In the video, TikToker Sue (@harajukusue) eats a turkey sandwich from Subway. They show the layers of the sandwich which includes bread, …

‘My bf wants me to “fix” the situation.’ She’s Vegan And Asks If She’s Wrong For Referring To Meat As “Body Parts” To Her Boyfriend’s Family.

We all make different food choices. Some of them are good, some are bad, some are based on nothing other than our stomachs and taste buds and others motivated by our conscience or commitment to the planet. This woman has been a vegan for a while and though her boyfriend’s (of three years) family kind …

Video – After the incident of Karbala, whenever Imam Zain al-Abidin passed through the market, the butchers would close their shops, cut the meat with knives and…

After the incident of Karbala, whenever Imam Zain al-Abidin passed through the market, the butchers would close their shops, knives would be cut and cloth would be put over the meat. He never smiled, he was crying all the time. Then he said, “A Yusuf of Hazrat Yaqoob was lost and he lost his sight …

‘You’re basically paying $100 for meat’: Chipotle customer says meal prep isn’t worth it

We’ve all succumbed to a viral lifehack at some point or another. Sometimes it might take someone else pointing out the obvious for you to realize you’re probably not saving as much money as you think. TikToker Avery, who is known by username @averybrynn1, is here to reality check the people using Chipotle Catering to …

‘The worst examples of shrinkflation’: Customer says McDonald’s pickles are thicker than burger meat, exposes brands

A user on TikTok has gone viral after calling out several major brands for shrinking portion sizes while maintaining high prices. In a slideshow with over 1.3 million views, TikTok user Neal (@toysoldiermarketing) shows 9 different products that he says are either smaller than they used to be or are deceptively packaged to seem bigger. …

‘He got me a quarter of a ham. Also I think he stole this’: Customer says male Instacart shopper couldn’t find 1/4 pound of sliced deli meat

It looks like everyone can chalk up another red mark against male Instacart shoppers. The continuing stereotype that men who work for the pickup and delivery service aren’t as capable of interpreting a grocery list as its other shoppers found a new bit of anecdotal evidence today in a video by TikTok user @witchy_coffee. In …