Formerly enslaved man's response to his 'master' wanting him back is a literary masterpiece

In 1825, at the approximate age of 8, Jordan Anderson (sometimes spelled “Jordon”) was sold into slavery and would live as a servant of the Anderson family for 39 years. In 1864, the Union Army camped out on the Anderson plantation and he and his wife, Amanda, were liberated. The couple eventually made it safely …

Formerly enslaved man's response to his 'master' wanting him back is a literary masterpiece

In 1825, at the approximate age of 8, Jordan Anderson (sometimes spelled “Jordon”) was sold into slavery and would live as a servant of the Anderson family for 39 years. In 1864, the Union Army camped out on the Anderson plantation and he and his wife, Amanda, were liberated. The couple eventually made it safely …

This renowned online bookstore lets you unearth hidden literary gems from across the ages

In a world of digital screens, the allure of physical books remains timeless. There’s something special about the scent of old paper, the touch of a well-worn cover, and the sight of ancient ink evoke nostalgia. This joy is magnified when the book in question is a hidden gem, a rare piece of literature waiting …

The one sign that someone is highly intelligent, according to literary genius Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy was a Russian novelist known for epic works such as”War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina.” His life experiences—from witnessing war to spiritual quests—profoundly influenced his writings and gave him profound insights into the human soul. His understanding of emotions, motivations and moral dilemmas has made his work stand the test of time, and …

Australian town's literary treasure hunt creates a 'magical' way to encourage kids to read

As wholesome and nourishing an activity as reading is, it has a hard time competing against screens for a child’s attention. However, some communities are bringing new life to reading by encouraging kids to embark on an interactive, never-ending literary treasure hunt. In Braidwood, a small town in New South Wales, Australia, kid-friendly titles like …

Formerly enslaved man's response to his 'master' wanting him back is a literary masterpiece

This article originally appeared on 11.03.17. In 1825, at the approximate age of 8, Jordan Anderson (sometimes spelled “Jordon”) was sold into slavery and would live as a servant of the Anderson family for 39 years. In 1864, the Union Army camped out on the Anderson plantation and he and his wife, Amanda, were liberated. …