Company Said Employees Couldn’t Wear Hoodies During Cold Weather, So He Wore No Jacket To Prove A Chilly Point To Management

I’ve heard quite a few stories lately about businesses not letting their employees keep themselves warm or cool while working outside in extreme temperatures. And the whole thing is pretty stupid and dangerous, if you ask me. Check out how this guy handled a ludicrous wardrobe rule at their job. “I (34M) work for a …

Job Recruiter Rejects Applicants Who Wear Hoodies During Zoom Interviews — “People Have Forgotten We’re Still Working”

A TikToker showed a LinkedIn post for a job recruiter who stressed the importance of dressing up for interviews and it started a TikTok debate. Source: TikTok | @dan_from_hr A job recruiter is being “blasted” for rejecting applicants who wear casual clothes during online interviews. Source: TikTok | @dan_from_hr Even though the COVID-19 pandemic is …

‘We’re not back in the day anymore’: Recruiter on LinkedIn says people shouldn’t wear hoodies to Zoom interviews, sparking debate

A tech recruiter’s LinkedIn post sharing that a reason a candidate didn’t move forward was that they wore a hoodie to the video interview is sparking a debate online. People are in disagreement over whether or not the expectation to dress up for interviews is “out of touch.” Daniel Space (@dan_from_hr) posted a TikTok sharing …