The Habsburg Empire, 16th-17th centuries« Atlas historique »,…

The Habsburg Empire, 16th-17th centuries « Atlas historique », Nathan, 1982 by cartesdhistoire In 1519, Charles Quint found himself virtually the master of Europe. However, instead of viewing his role as a spiritual mission, he felt a deep sense of duty to his lineage. This obligation drove him to perpetuate, and if possible, enhance, what …

Medieval Brittany, 9th-14th century« Atlas historique de la…

Medieval Brittany, 9th-14th century « Atlas historique de la France », Les Arènes, 2020 by cartesdhistoire The Brittany peninsula experienced an influx of people in the 6th century, including invaders from England. An independent Brittany emerged amidst the fragmentation of the Carolingian Empire and Viking raids. Nominoë, appointed representative of the emperor, established his sovereignty …

The Lower Empire« Atlas historique Larousse » sous la direction…

The Lower Empire « Atlas historique Larousse » sous la direction de Georges Duby, édition revue et corrigée, 1987 by cartesdhistoire In the 3rd and 4th centuries, the Empire faced a triple threat: to the north, the Germans, numerous, unstable, and warlike, pressed on its borders; to the east, the Sassanid Persians, victorious over the …

The Burgundian state, 1364-1487.« Atlas historique mondial »,…

The Burgundian state, 1364-1487. « Atlas historique mondial », Christian Grataloup, Les Arènes/L’Histoire, 2e éd., 2023 by cartesdhistoire In 1363, the king of France, John the Good, gave Burgundy as an appanage to his son Philippe the Bold. Duke until 1404, he became master of a vast area, including Charolais, Artois, Franche-Comté, Rethel, Nevers and …

Genoa from the 13th to the 15th century« Atlas historique…

Genoa from the 13th to the 15th century « Atlas historique Larousse », G. Duby, éd. de 1987 by cartesdhistoire Maritime power founded in the late Xe s. With first counters in the Holy Land, Genoa is defeated at Acre by Venice, its rival for the Mediterranean trade monopoly (1258). However, in 1261 she gets …