Teacher Doesn’t Think Autistic Kid’s Snacks Are Healthy Enough, So Parent Follows Their Orders And Lets The Kid Pick For Himself

Teachers who don’t seem to like children always baffle me. This father took to Reddit to share the story of the battle between him and his son’s teacher. My then grade 2 child (ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder) was having a battle of wills with his teacher. She was a very religious, inflexible teacher who …

Woman makes it her mission to teach people how to make healthy food from Dollar Tree ingredients

It’s obvious to most people that being financially unstable or living below the poverty level is a struggle. Figuring out meals that you can afford outside of ramen can be hard, especially if you have to make it last for days. In fact, cheap foods are generally really processed and unhealthy, but when that’s all …

Jennifer Aniston Says Matthew Perry Was ‘Happy’ And ‘Healthy’ Right Before His Untimely Death

NBC Matthew Perry’s death came as a shock to many, especially to those who knew him. The beloved actor struggled for ages with addiction, but in his last years he’d made great strides at turning his life around. He published a memoir, whose success left him touched. He even seemed to be in good spirits …

Restaurant Starts Reusing Uneaten Soup, So Employee Gets Healthy Revenge

If you’re already paranoid about cleanliness at restaurants, you might be triggered by the Reddit story you’re about to read. It comes to us from a worker who worked for a real jerk and decided that some revenge was in order when they found out something unethical AND gross was going on where they worked. …

10 anti-holiday recipes that prove the season can be tasty and healthy

The holiday season has arrived with its cozy vibe, joyous celebrations and inevitable indulgences. From Thanksgiving feasts to Christmas cookie exchanges to Aunt Eva’s irresistible jelly donuts—not to mention leftover Halloween candy still lingering—fall and winter can feel like a non-stop gorge fest. Total resistance is fairly futile—let’s be real—so it’s helpful to arm yourself …

Make a complete (and healthy) Friendsgiving dinner in less than an hour

Friendsgiving might have started as a novel alternative to Thanksgiving, but today it’s an American holiday in its own right. For many, especially millennials and Gen Zers, Friendsgiving offers an opportunity to get creative with their celebrations without being obligated to outdated, even problematic traditions or having to break the bank. However, some of us …

Gardner shares her easy, 3-part planting formula to keep your plants healthy and pest-free

Gardening influencer Ashley Nicole (@momjeansandgardenthings) has an easy tip for everyone having a hard time with their plants dying and getting destroyed by pests. It’s a time-honored technique called “companion planting,” where your main crop is surrounded by plants that repel bad insects and attract the good ones. Nicole founded the blog Mom Jeans and …

Woman shares texts showing the difference between a healthy and a controlling relationship

Saving old text messages from exes can sometimes be an asset when you need to remember exactly why you left them. Alternately, sometimes digital relics from old relationships are a good reminder of how much good we have in our lives currently. At least, they did for the Twitter user May Larsen, who recently posted …

Husband's secret checklist for his wife's daily tasks has people debating healthy boundaries

A husband anonymously sought out the help of the Reddit community to see if he was in the wrong for keeping calendar reminders to ask his wife about stuff going on in her life. On the popular “Am I The A**hole” subreddit, he explained that checking in and staying aware was something his wife was …

‘Don’t deny yourself the things you really enjoy to eat.’ Woman Shows How She Spends $30 A Week On Groceries At Aldi And Still Eats Healthy

If you’re on a budget (and who isn’t these days?), you’re going to want to listen closely to what a woman named Marlee said in a viral TikTok video about how she manages to eat on the cheap. In her video, Marlee said that she only spends $30 a week on groceries at her local …