Just 45 Helpful Products Because Owning A Pet Is Hard

BuzzFeed editor Jenae Sitzes says her cats are obsessed with this bed: “This is THE cat bed, y’all. Neither of my cats have ever really taken to a cat bed and much preferred to doze on their cat tree or curl up on a regular blanket — until I finally caved in and bought the Aspen …

Dad who grew up poor perfectly explains why it’s so hard to shake the poverty mindset

A video created by Blake Kasemeier has made a lot of people feel seen because it perfectly explains the mindset people develop when they grow up poor. But it’s not just about remembering the hard times of the past. It describes how even though Kasemeier has overcome poverty as an adult, the effects of growing …

‘These girls work really hard’: Massage worker calls out customer for how much she tipped before the service even happened

A woman says a massage worker called her out for how much she tipped, but, she adds that the worker also wanted her to pay and tip before the massage had started. Taylor Stewart (@heyitstaystew) recounts the incident from her car and posted the video to her TikTok account.  “I really don’t consider myself to …

‘Millennials and gen z no longer have incentives to work hard’: Expert shows how performance reviews are rigged against workers

A career expert recently went viral for showing how performance reviews are supposedly rigged against employees. TikToker Danielle Roberts, who calls herself the Anti-Career Coach™ (@imdanielleroberts), filmed a short clip about performance evaluations and how they may be part of why so many millennials and Gen Z workers in corporate America are attracted to quiet …

‘The seats are already rock hard’: Southwest Airlines announces new seats and updated interiors—it backfires

Air travel has been in the news quite a bit recently, what with everything going on with the Boeing 737 Max 9 planes.  For those not caught up, basically the act of air travel—a feat which is still an absolute technical marvel despite being downplayed as commonplace nowadays—has become stressful enough as it is without …

High School Band Director Takes Hard Line On Attendance, So Sick Student Complies And Gets Everyone Sick

Students razzing teachers is a rite of passage as old as schooling itself. Some teachers handle it well, and some don’t. Some, through that trial of fire, even form a lasting bond with a generation of those kids. This story is one exactly like that. And while the Compliance may have been Malicious, the lessons …

Gramps Had A Hilariously Hard Time Getting A Toddler To Take A Nap. – ‘1st time grandpa problems.’

Folks…this is the good stuff! A woman named Kelsea shared a video on TikTok and showed folks what happened when the grandfather to her baby tried to put her daughter down for a nap. The text overlay reads, “1st time grandpa problems” and boy, is that the truth! Grandpa can be seen laying the girl …

‘He rips the cable from the computer while making eye contact with me.’ – Woman’s Brother Ejected An External Hard Drives Before Unplugging It And Was Disastrous

I learned this lesson the hard way a long time ago… But seeing this video was a nice reminder! A woman named Gillian posted a video on TikTok and talked to viewers about how important it is to take the proper steps to protect the information on external hard drives…or else something like this might …

Supervisor Gave A Worker A Hard Time About The Customer Always Being Right. It Ended Up Costing the Business a Lot of Money.

The customer is always right, huh…? You’ve probably heard that phrase before if you ever worked in a restaurant or a store…and it can be infuriating! But this person decided to do things their own way and they had quite a story to tell! Check it out! “About 9 years ago I worked at a …

Hard-Working Employee Always Stays Late, But Was Given A Hard Time For Being A Few Minutes Late. So He Made Sure The Company Got What It Deserved.

What are you supposed to do if you have a job where the place is toxic and the rules are a little too strict? Well, in this person’s case, the best idea was to get the hell out of there! Check out how they handled it in this story from Reddit’s “Malicious Compliance” page. Start …

Boomer Gives A Woman A Hard Time For Wearing A PBR Shirt, So She Gave Him a History Lesson

Oh, men…will you ever learn? Whether it’s sports or beer or any other number of topics, some fellas just can’t seem to understand that a lot of ladies know just as much about that stuff as guys do. But this guy didn’t get the memo… Check out what this woman had to say in her …