‘HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE’: Woman’s pet fish freezes during Arctic blast. Will it survive?

In a series of emotionally charged TikTok videos that have collectively garnered over 52 million views, TikTok user Smiley (@santanaaza) shared the heart-wrenching story of her pet fish, Greg. The saga began with a distressing scene of Greg’s water tank frozen solid, capturing Smiley in tears over the dire situation. This initial video sparked a … Read more

‘They left me outside for 3 hrs yesterday.’ Chick-fil-A Worker Refuses To Buy A Uniform Jacket And Freezes While Working Outside

I’ve kind of always felt sorry for the Chick-fil-A workers I’ve seen standing outside taking orders in the heat of the summer or the middle of the winter. They’re either sweating profusely or shivering while talking to customers depending on the season, and you can’t help but think they’d rather be inside working a register. … Read more