Osman Ghazi has encountered many Muslim and non-Muslim enemies during his life and Germiyan Beylik was one of them. The…

Osman Ghazi has encountered many Muslim and non-Muslim enemies during his life and Germiyan Beylik was one of them. They had several conflicts with Ertugrul Ghazi and Osman Ghazi and later, the Osmanoğlu dynasty also took control of this Beylik. Ibn Battuta mentioned Germiyan as “Dangerous Bandits” in one of his books. What were the …

Noted Man Of The People Ron DeSantis Sugar-Shamed A Kid In Iowa For Sipping On An Icee, A Beloved Frozen Treat He’d Apparently Never Encountered Before

Getty Image Ron DeSantis continued to take a wrecking (meat)ball to his campaign on Thursday night as the Florida governor sugar-shamed a small child for sipping on an Icee. The now-viral moment went down at the Wayne County fairgrounds in Iowa where DeSantis once again demonstrated that he’s awful at mingling with the general public. …

Halsey Encountered A ‘Good Luck’ Spider During Her ‘Maxxxine’ Audition That Helped Them Manifest A Part

Earlier this week, Halsey was officially announced as part of the cast for Ti West’s upcoming film, Maxxxine — a continuation of the universe featured in his movies X and Pearl. Now the pop star has opened up about their audition and casting process during her For The Record radio show. In a true fated …

16 People Who Encountered The Most Entitled People Ever While Selling Online

At first, the internet seemed like a great option for selling our unwanted stuff. We didn’t have to prep and run a whole garage sale, we could reach more people at once, and there are options for keeping safe by meeting in public places, etc. Over time, though, we’ve started to realize that maybe meeting …

In history, Vikings have encountered Turks, particularly the Khazars and Bulgar Turks, who were dominant forces in the r…

In history, Vikings have encountered Turks, particularly the Khazars and Bulgar Turks, who were dominant forces in the region when the Vikings arrived. Many Bulgarian Turks claim to be descendants of the Ottoman Turks which is what I’ve explained in my review video. You can watch it here 👇 https://youtu.be/zqWY_Lo7q8Q . . . #kurulus #KurulusOsmanSeason4 …

"I Felt Like I Was Watching A Veterinarian Version Of 'Jersey Shore'": People Are Sharing The Wildest Drama They've Ever Encountered Where They Work

“I could write a book about all the things that went down at my job.” View Entire Post › Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/fabianabuontempo/juicy-workplace-stories