Scientist Created A Glowing Monkey That Could Help Us Understand Neurodegenerative Diseases

I know that people like to joke about how science experiments gone wrong are probably going to end the entire world (if megalomaniacs don’t beat them to it), but glowing monkeys? That definitely seems to fit the bill, at least as a precursor to disaster. The monkey is a unique “chimera” that has more than …

Why Scientists Are Concerned About The Re-Emergence Of One Of The World’s Deadliest Diseases

I mean, I would assume that anyone would be concerned about a deadly disease finding its way back to the surface, but measles in particular is really causing concern. One of the biggest reasons for this is that the world is seeing a sharp decline in child vaccination rates, and the timing couldn’t be worse. …

Your Immune System Protects You Against the Constant Danger of Invasion by Diseases

There are roughly 40 trillion cells in our bodies and that means we are all rich ecosystems and that diseases and bacteria are doing their best to take advantage of our resources, our space, and our warmth. Watch the video above to get a detailed description of how it all goes down in our bodies. …

Next Tool Against Diseases (Including COVID)

April 27, 2022 – Every day, vital information about your health is flushed down the toilet – literally. Bowel movements contain a veritable treasure trove of biomarkers that can uncover a wide array of conditions, from things you lack in your diet to deadly diseases, including COVID-19. “Assessing fecal matter can help doctors detect certain …