‘This is a huge issue’: Wheelchair user denied service at ‘accessible’ restaurant

A woman who uses a wheelchair says that she was denied service at a restaurant that claimed to be accessible. Taylor Lindsay-Noel, an entrepreneur and creator whose content focuses on accessibility, says in a TikTok posted yesterday that she was unable to dine at a restaurant for a friend’s birthday because it didn’t have a …

Manager Denied A Request For One Week Off, So Employee Filed For 12 Weeks Of Paternity Leave Instead

It’s no secret that the state of parental leave in America is pretty dire. There’s nothing written into law that says it’s required to offer any paid leave at all, but there is a Family Medical Leave Act that requires employers to allow 12 weeks (typically not paid). OP was about to be a new …

‘The Broken Rung’ Is Why Women Are Denied Promotions

Getting your first promotion into management is a huge achievement in your career. But a new study from consulting firm McKinsey & Co. and nonprofit Lean In shows it’s an opportunity that is not equally afforded to everyone.  According to the study, which used pipeline data from 276 companies in the private, public and social …

‘The plane that I’m supposed to be on is right behind me’: Frontier Airlines changed terminal last minute, denied passengers entry after they ran there

A TikTok user is calling out Frontier Airlines after alleging that the company changed the terminal of a flight at the last minute. Upon reaching the new terminal, the TikToker user was told they were too late to board—despite the airline not sending an email about the change. In a video with over 688,000 views, …

Sofía Vergara Denied Accusations That She’s Had Plastic Surgery And Revealed Exactly What Cosmetic Procedures She Gets Done After Admitting She Doesn’t Feel “Fresh” At 51

“It’s usually people that are in a bad mood or depressed or jealous,” Sofía said. “I read it and it’s like, ‘She has done so much stuff to herself that she doesn’t even look like her anymore.’” View Entire Post › Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ellendurney/sofia-vergara-denied-plastic-surgery-rumors

‘I just had my manager come and beg me to help.’ Man Is Denied Promotion Because He Tries To Be The “Hero” Too Much, So He Adopts A New Catchphrase

Did you ever read the short Bartleby: The Scrivener by Herman Melville? It’s about a worker who basically decides to throw in the towel and respond to every request at his job with “I would prefer not to.” Well, this story really reminded me of that! And I think you’ll see why in a moment… The person …

‘Y’all ain’t been to my house and seen my refrigerator.’ A Woman Said She Was Denied Food Stamps Even Though She Really Needs Them

It blows my mind that government agencies deny people food stamps who obviously are struggling, but it happens more than you realize. And a woman named Kam shared a video on TikTok to show people just how screwed up the system can be. Kam talked about her issues with the food stamp office and said, “How …

‘The owners bragged about how much my project made and then denied me a bonus.’ He Caused His Company To Lose a $3 Million Contract Because They Wouldn’t Give Him What He Deserved

Sometimes, bosses and managers just don’t recognize a good thing when they have it right in front of them in the form of a stellar employee. And it sounds like this person had just about enough of their bosses before they decided to bail…and it cost the company in a big way. Take a look …

Veteran Denied Pain Meds at Pharmacy After Four Hours Waiting

A veteran with a disability who lost his leg in combat is denied prescribed pain medication by a pharmacist and we’d like to know why. We live in a time where pain medication is tricky. There are both documentaries and fictionalized tellings of the damage done by Purdue Pharma as they pushed OxyContin onto the …

‘And they pay them more than you’: Worker says job hired another person after she was denied a raise

Sometimes, the best thing we can do to cope with less-than-ideal situations at our jobs is to just laugh—and it seems TikToker Carly (@callmebyyourcarl) has it covered in her corporate job. “When they can’t afford to give you a raise but can afford to hire another person,” Carly jokes in one of her latest viral …

Joe Jonas Fired Back At Sophie Turner’s Lawsuit And Denied Abducting Their Two Children Amid Their Messy Custody Battle And Ongoing Divorce

“When language like ‘abduction’ is used, it is misleading at best, and a serious abuse of the legal system at worst.” View Entire Post › Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/leylamohammed/joe-jonas-denies-abducting-sophie-turner-children

‘I just walked my a** home. Now I have to change’: Woman says restaurant denied her service because of her shorts

Heatwaves are tough on everyone, especially people who have to adhere to dress codes. While dress codes are normal in the office or schools, they’ve become especially commonplace in restaurants—and not just the fancy ones. Brittni Joy (@brittnijoy), a fashion and travel content creator with 73,000 followers, shared just how far these dress codes had …