Kristen Stewart Revealed Why She Would Have Dumped Edward Cullen ‘Immediately’ If She Was Bella Swan

Summit Entertainment When Twilight first came out and was marketed almost exclusively towards young women, it became a little worrisome when the 17-year-old high schooler Bella was ready and willing to become immortal for a 117-year-old who almost died of the Spanish flu. But love always finds a way. Looking back, Kristen Stewart believes that …

How Did Killer Charles Cullen Get Caught?

See, digoxin was rarely used in their unit, so Amy’s guard was up. After entering Cullen’s digital Cerner records, she discovered that Charles was regularly accessing the records of seemingly random patients, whether they were assigned to him or not. According to author Charles Graeber’s book The Good Nurse: A True Story of Medicine, Madness, …

Not Everyone Believes Charles Cullen Was a ‘Mercy Killer’

As it was also revealed not all Charles’ murder victims were nearing the end of their lives, he changed his tune in the interview when it came to reflecting on killing those types of patients. “I can’t… my goal here isn’t to justify, what I did there is no justification. I just think that the …

Early Access: Pod Yourself The Wire 109, ‘Game Day,’ With Cullen Crawford

HBO Episode nine of Pod Yourself The Wire is now available early at Episode eight is now available for free. “A show about the Eastside would be boring because Prop Joe is running it well.” -Cullen Crawford. On the latest edition of Pod Yourself The Wire, Matt and Vince invite writer, podcaster, and host …

Why Did Jacob Black Imprint on Renesmee Cullen in ‘Twilight’?

If Bella ended up with Jacob, it would mean she wouldn’t have had to lose any of those things at all. She would’ve been able to stay human, keep her natural warmth, and age naturally alongside Jacob. In the end, Bella’s emotional connection to Edward was far more powerful than her connection to Jacob. She …