Couple's elderly neighbors couldn't attend their wedding, so they 'married' them at home

When Elena and Dave moved into their apartment in northern Manhattan in January of 2023, they had no idea their new neighbor would be the one to officiate their wedding—sort of. Terri, the neighbor, introduced herself to the Dave and Elena right away, and they immediately thought she was a character. “We started visiting her …

Couple's Disney World proposal ends with a cute surprise twist that had them cracking up

There’s something undeniably romantic about proposing to someone at Disney World. The park is filled with wonder and built on the belief that big dreams can come true. That’s probably why after three and a half years of dating, Mac, 31, and their then-boyfriend, Alex, 29, got the same idea when they took a recent …

A gay couple's late-night encounter with Jersey Shore 'drunk bros' is a snapshot of the messy march toward social progress.

This article originally appeared on 05.14.18 Seaside Heights is a town on the Jersey Shore: a place synonymous with Snookie, The Situation, and a heaping helping of fist-pumping. So you probably wouldn’t be judged for thinking it’s not a place of overwhelming inclusivity. In this case, though, you’d be wrong. Let’s set the scene: It’s …

Couple's romantic engagement photos look like they're in Italy. Sorry folks, it was Olive Garden.

There’s a lot of pressure for people these days to live the perfect Instagram-worthy life. People place so much emphasis on their social media image that it ends up running their lives. This social anxiety is keenly felt by young couples planning their weddings. A U.K. survey from 2019 found that 42% of couples feel …

One couple's perfect response to people asking when they're going to have kids.

This article originally appeared on 12.19.16 “When are you guys going to start having kids?” Like many couples, Carrie Jansen and her husband Nic had heard this question a million different ways, a million different times. The pressure really started to mount when the pair, who’ve been together for eight years, got married three years …