‘One of the reasons I stopped using them’: Woman says Bath & Body Works wallflower ruined her granite countertop

If you’ve ever used a plug-in air freshener, like the popular Bath & Body Works’ Wallflowers, in your home, then you’ve probably seen the sprays of mist that are periodically ejected into the air. And if you’ve ever experienced one of the oil pods crack open and spill on, then you know how pesky of …

Watch Stuck to Countertop Puzzles Internet

A woman chronicled her struggle in removing a watch stuck to a counter top, leading to tons of speculative responses from other TikTokers. Source: TikTok | @astoldbyneek Two people had their own sword in the stone moment, albeit with much lower stakes, which they chronicled in a viral TikTok that’s accrued over 980,000 views on …

‘They have the nerve to tell me that I put too many dishes in the sink’: Kitchen sink in tenant’s ‘luxury’ apartment falls through countertop

Renters have long complained about how landlords’ descriptions of an apartment—and the prices they charge for them—rarely match the product being offered. Back in February, a TikTok user complained that her apartment, which she says charged “luxury prices,” hung up her mirror with painter’s tape. In August of last year, another user complained that her …