Passengers Train Seat is Stolen And Conductor Says Tough Luck, So Passenger Uses His Own Words Against Him

Don’t mess with reserved seats on European trains, trust me. I remember coming back from Oktoberfest, hungover as anything, only to lift my head up to a very angry german family staring daggers at my friends for sitting in seats they had reserved. Cue the awkward shuffling from my friends and exaggerated huffing from the …

Train Conductor Enforces “No Phone Zone” Then Asks For Rider’s Digital Tickets. Hilarity Ensues.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you know you can react to a rude person like an adult, but you just choose to be petty instead? It happens to the best of us. OP and his girlfriend were visiting a friend out of town. They had a great visit, and then decided …

Heroic train conductor spots and saves 3-year-old autistic, nonverbal boy lost on tracks

Five Metropolitan Transportation Authority employees are hailed as heroes for their quick thinking and diligence in the April 6 rescue of a young boy. Locomotive Engineer William Kennedy was operating a southbound Hudson Line train near Tarrytown, a few miles north of New York City, when he noticed an unusual object on the northbound track. …