Approximate dates of North American colonization using municipal…

Approximate dates of North American colonization using municipal settlement dates There are about 1100 points of data here and way too much time spent. Population density in Canada throws off the contours, as trading posts influence large areas. The most interesting findings (to me) are that settlement dates are obscured by competing colonial powers (ie. … Read more

‘Africa was never hers,’: West Africans roast France on TikTok after coup in Niger, declare colonization ‘over’

A week after Nigerien president Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown by a military junta led by the captain of his presidential guard, Abdourahamane Tiani, French-speaking West African TikTokers are declaring that “colonization is over” using a viral sound. One TikTok, posted by the user @aicha_m4, shows an image of Tiani over a caption announcing all French … Read more

European colonization of New Zealand, 19th century. Europeans…

European colonization of New Zealand, 19th century. Europeans approached New Zealand at the beginning of the 19th century to fish for whales, but colonization only began after 1830. In 1840 the Treaty of Waitangi was signed with the Maoris, but differences in interpretation triggered a war between 1845 and 1869. by @LegendesCarto