Ever seen two cellists rocking out to an AC/DC song? It's amazing how well it works.

If someone said, “Name two genres of music on the opposite ends of the spectrum,” heavy metal and classical music would be a logical answer. So when you hear that an AC/DC song being played on classical instruments, it can challenge the brain a bit. (Some folks may ask, “Is AC/DC really considered heavy metal?” … Read more

Simon Cowell gets drilled for mocking 'AGT' cellists who want to be dentists, not stars

Back in 2014, cello-playing brothers Emil and Dariel wowed “America’s Got Talent” audiences with their cello rendition of Jimi Hendrix’s “Purple Haze,” even becoming finalists for the season. After getting invited back to participate in “America’s Got Talent: All Stars,” the duo once again rocked the house with an epic cover of “Take On Me.” … Read more

Four cellists play Ravel's 'Bolero' on a single cello and it's one wild ride

Some compositions are so ubiquitous they are recognizable in their first few bars, even by people who are not music aficionados. French composer Maurice Ravel’s “Bolero” is one of those pieces, known for its relentless snare drum beat throughout, as it gradually builds tension from a sweet, simple tune to a grand, flourishing climax. Ravel … Read more