American abroad tells family why he can't imagine moving back to Texas

The rising cost of living in the United States, combined with new technologies that make it easier to work wherever you like, has made it much more attractive for some to live and work in another country. Over 50 countries have made it easier by easing visa restrictions to encourage digital nomads to work within …

Avocado farmer explains secret why you can't grow Hass avocado trees from Hass seeds

Have you ever seen anyone put an avocado pit in water to grow an avocado tree? I’ve seen lots of people try, but only a few succeed. My mom has a tiny avocado tree growing in her living room that she managed to grow from the pit of a Hass avocado she ate. It’s small …

We asked people what they really enjoy that others can't understand. One answer dominated.

We recently asked our Upworthy audience on Facebook, “What’s something that you really enjoy that other people can’t seem to understand?” and over 1,700 people weighed in. Some people shared things like housework, cleaning and laundry, which a lot of people see as chores. Others shared different puzzles or forms of art they like doing, …

Dad can't believe it when his 9-year-old son gives him a dress shirt he sewed all by himself

There’s always something very touching about receiving a gift from your child, especially when you know it’s something that they really put their heart into creating. A video posted to TikTok by Aaron Gouveia shows that sometimes a child can give a gift that’s so surprising it’s almost too much to handle. Gouveia, 43, is …

124 Genius "Life Hacks" I Learned In 2023 That I Can't Wait To Personally Test Out In 2024

“If you ever lose small jewelry or really any small items, this is how to find it. Put a stocking, pantyhose, or sock over the nozzle of a vacuum, and swipe it under furniture. It’ll stick to the material without getting sucked into the vacuum.” View Entire Post › Source:

A story about two pairs of boots illustrates how rich people get richer in ways poor people can't

Any time conversations about wealth and poverty come up, people inevitably start talking about boots. The standard phrase that comes up is “pull yourself up by your bootstraps,” which is usually shorthand for “work harder and don’t ask for or expect help.” (The fact that the phrase was originally used sarcastically because pulling oneself up …