Millennial argues Boomer generation 'anxiety-at-you' parenting language is bad for kids

Beauty product influencer Gabi Day shared a personal problem she was going through as a parent and daughter on TikTok, and resonated with many fellow Millennials. Her mother, who watches her 18-year-old twins, expresses her love for her family through demonstrative anxiety. Day believes that this personality trait made her an anxious person, and she …

Teacher admits there are 11 things that Boomer parents totally got right

Teresa Kaye Newman, a teacher about to have a son, knows a lot about how to deal with children. So she created a list of 11 things she agrees with Boomers on when it comes to raising kids. Newman believes she has credibility on the issue because she has 13 years of experience dealing with …

“It Didn’t Happen” — Boomer Parents Are Rewriting History

While relaying a somewhat difficult story from her childhood, a woman’s mom denied the event ever took place. Is this gaslighting or something worse? Memory is a tricky thing. I have a notoriously bad memory. For example, I have almost no memories before high school and very few from that time. There are flashes from …

Guy Spreads Cheer With Compliments to “Boomer Men”

A guy recorded himself walking up to shoppers in various stores and offering up random compliments, then documented people’s responses. Source: TikTok | @chorizoball Article continues below advertisement This could be why there are so many TikTokers applauding one user on the platform, @chorizoball, for recording his interactions, a lot of them with random “boomer …

Woman’s Boomer Neighbor Has a Plane in Their Driveway

It’s kind of hard to imagine Boomers struggling financially when they have things like three cars and one airplane parked in their driveway. I think about money a lot. I’m definitely someone who has had to check their bank account before making any significant purchases. By the way in this scenario, significant can be anything …

10 Baby Boomer Complaints That Non-Boomers Agree With

In a now-viral social media thread, a woman asked non-Baby Boomers to share their most Boomer-esque complaint. Read on for the best responses! Who could have predicted that Baby Boomers and the young crowd would eventually stumble upon some common ground? Certainly not me, but lo and behold, it’s a reality, and you know what? …

Guy lists his most ‘boomer complaints’ as a millennial and he’s not wrong

Listen, everyone complains. Sure, we like to pretend it’s just boomers that reach a certain age and start daydreaming about telling kids to get off their lawns. But the truth of the matter is, maybe some of the seemingly nonsensical complaints are valid because it appears that convenience has become inconvenient in the most obnoxious …

Boomer dad plays song to comfort his daughter going through divorce and it's simply perfect

There’s no shortage of stories out there showing how emotionally distant or out of touch some baby boomers can be. Younger generations are so fed up with it that they have their own catchphrase of frustration, for crying out loud. The disconnect becomes especially visible in parenting styles. Boomers, who grew up with starkly different …

18 Funny Most Boomer Opinions Tweets

my most boomer opinion is that modern office ‘spoken fire alarm’ systems are bad 🚨 “Yes, hello, there may be a fire situation. Please evacuate, maybe. To repeat: something may be going on” 🚨 just gimme the bell, man — Frightchard Cook (@cookywook) November 12, 2021 Source:

‘Only old people who will just panic and they get so angry.’ Woman Shares A Theory About “Boomer Panic” Where Older Folks Freak Out For No Good Reason

A woman on TikTok has a theory about generational panic, and we’re all ear! She thinks she has seen a new phenomenon when it comes to Boomers where they just panic out of nowhere when they’re presented with info that they don’t know. The TikToker says she went to Lowe’s and an older service worker …

Woman Describes “Boomer Panic” but Is It Really an Age Thing?

A woman describes a phenomenon she is calling Boomer Panic but it kind of sounds like an older person having a bad moment. Is it boomer-specific? As someone who has historically had difficulty regulating their emotions, I understand what it means to panic. When I have felt this way, my response to a situation often …