Boomer Sayings Making A Comeback

“Your threads are tough, man.” Growing up in the digital age meant living in a world consumed by meme-culture and Reddit threads, learning how to Insta-pose and cram thoughts into a 280-character tweet, and keeping up with the latest lingo. NBC Productions / Via But did you know that much of the slang we …

‘They are unhinged’: TikToker says ‘boomer roommate’ stole his car, threatened to call the cops on him for parking in his own space

A TikToker says his “boomer roommate” stole his car and threatened to call the police on him because he was parked in his own parking space Matt Mony (@mattmony) posted the TikTok on Friday. In the clip, Mony asks audiences if “I should call the cops because I just came outside and my car is …