Who Dropped the Bombs in Fallout? The Confusing Lore

“I don’t know. Who knows? It was probably some rogue nation,” co-creator Tim Cain said, trying to feign ignorance. Source: Prime Video Throughout the 27 years since the first Fallout game was released, there’s been a significant debate about which side of the Great War dropped the first bomb. The United States and China long …

Incredible audio shows what WWI sounded like when the guns and bombs just suddenly stopped

On November 11, 1918, U.S.soldier Robert Casey wrote from the American front in Western Europe: “And this is the end of it. In three hours the war will be over. It seems incredible even as I write it. I suppose I ought to be thrilled and cheering. Instead I am merely apathetic and incredulous … …

Conspiracy theorists now think nuclear bombs are fake

Analysis As interest in nuclear weapons history grows ahead of the anticipated release of director Christopher Nolan’s film Oppenheimer, some conspiracy theorists have decided that such explosive devices never actually existed. In a tweet last week, Owen Benjamin, a disgraced comedian known for his far-right politics and anti-semitic views, claimed that decades-old footage of a …

The Intense ‘Spy/Master’ Trailer Features Bombs, Guns, And A Soviet Defector

It seems like everyone is on edge in the Spy/Master trailer. Which makes sense. It’s 1978, and the Cold War is as hot as it got. The chief advisor for the dictator of Romania wants to defect to the United States, the CIA isn’t sure they want him, the Soviets want to kill him before …

‘No better than QAnon’: Keith Olbermann tries to revive conspiracy theory Marjorie Taylor Greene was behind Jan. 6 pipe bombs

Political commentator Keith Olbermann tried to revive an old conspiracy theory this week that tied Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) to the unknown individual accused of planting pipe bombs in Washington, D.C. the night before the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. In response to a tweet in which Greene referred to Democrats as “the party of …