‘The entire staff has barricaded us inside’: Longhorn Steakhouse customers say workers wouldn’t let them leave after seating them

You’ve experienced it. That moment when you sit down at a restaurant, realize you don’t want to eat there, and awkwardly get up to leave. Well, when one TikTok duo tried to pull this move, the staff allegedly refused to let them go. In a viral video, Syd (@sydstallings) is seen filming from the bathroom …

‘They locked up all the alcohol’: Customer shows barricaded alcohol section at CVS

CVS appears to be doing its part to crack down on a black market scheme where people are stealing alcohol from the store and then reselling it on the street. In a viral video that has amassed over 52,000 likes on TikTok, user Ernesto (user @ernesto_the_promoter) explains that his local CVS has a new policy …

Viral TikTok shows McDonald’s workers hiding from active shooter who barricaded himself in restaurant

A video of McDonald’s employees hiding from an active shooter has gained 1.8 million views on TikTok. The video is alleged to be of an incident that happened in October in Fort Meyers, Florida. In the video, three McDonald’s employees hid in the kitchen from an active shooter until police arrived and helped them to …