Peripheral Arterial Disease: New Ways to Thrive

Photo Credit: Yuri Arcurs / Getty Images Rodney McKinley found out he had peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in 2011, when his frequent walks dissolved into searing pain. “When I would lay down in bed to sleep, it felt like someone had a blowtorch under my toes,” he says. McKinley had bypass surgery in his …

Peripheral Arterial Disease: What Experts Recommend

Can you walk more? That may be the last question that you want to hear when you have a blood vessel condition called peripheral arterial disease, or PAD. Even walking short distances, as you likely know, may cause your legs to cramp up. But doctors say that if you push yourself to move more often …

Mindset Strategies for Peripheral Arterial Disease

By Jim Stocker, as told to Danny Bonvissuto When I started smoking in high school, it was cool. Attractive women in grocery stores handed out little packs of four cigarettes, trying to get you to change your brand. When I was in the military, my C-rations had cigarettes in them and the thought was, “Smoke …

Keeping Track of Your Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

If you have pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), it’s possible to lead an active, productive life. The key is to work closely with a specialist, usually a lung doctor (pulmonologist) or a heart doctor (cardiologist). “The cardiologists who do this have an appreciation for the effect on the lungs, and the pulmonologists who do it have …