‘Let’s talk raises. Let’s talk more bonuses’: Tech company’s all-hands meeting goes great. Then 85% of staffers get laid off

A tech worker reports being part of a mass layoff at the company she worked for—after they were all told in a call that things were going great and that they could expect raises and bonuses soon. The concerning TikTok video about the tech layoffs comes from creator Lindsey (@linzilla.reads), who put it up on …

‘Guess we’ll find out tomorrow morning at 9 if I get fired’: Tech worker invited to random all-hands meeting. She thinks it’s layoffs

A tech worker got an invite to an all-hands meeting and assumed it was nothing good—believing it to be a meeting where layoffs would happen. The video comes from TikTok creator Mikala, with the anxiety-tinged Part 1 video getting more than 522,000 views in a week. The on-screen caption lays out the stark terms of …