Study Shows Drivers Are ‘More Distracted Than Ever’ Heading Into 100 Deadliest Days Of Summer


Volvo recently conducted a study as our country heads into what is known as the “100 deadliest days of summer” which extends from Memorial Day to Labor Day. School is out, there are more cars on the road and outdoor social gatherings abound with alcohol.

There’s a particular increase in fatal car accidents among teenage drivers during this time of year. According to, approximately 260 teens are killed in car crashes each month during the summer, an increase of 26% compared to other months of the year.

Distracted driving and the use of cell phones also cause so many of these accidents.

According to, “Summer is an especially dangerous season for teen drivers. Over the past five years, summertime accidents involving these drivers have claimed over 5,000 lives. In roughly two-thirds of these accidents, the victims were other drivers. Almost 60 percent of these accidents involved teenagers who were driving while distracted. The study also suggests that teenage distracted driving is becoming an increasingly serious problem. Just over the last five years, the number of fatal teen crashes that occurred each day during summer rose 16 percent, as Fox News reports.”

Volvo’s study focused on distracted driving among generations and found that millennial and Generation X driver admitted to using their phones while driving more than other generations.

Sadly, the study also revealed that parents with children in the car were not deterred from using their smart phones while behind the wheel.

Footage provided by KDVR Denver

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