Student Has To Bring Baby To Class When He Can’t Find Sitter, Then Professor Steps In To Help

Being a full-time college student with a baby at home is practically an Olympic feat. Between homework, childcare, and tuition, it takes a huge amount of dedication to make it to the finish line. And sometimes, you have to get a little creative.

That’s why Wayne Hayer, a student at Morehouse College, decided to bring his baby to class recently. He couldn’t find childcare for his 5-month-old, Assata, and he couldn’t afford to miss class with midterms coming up.

Luckily, Wayne had a supportive professor. Dr. Nathan Alexander warmly welcomed Assata to the class.

“Anything I can do to support you, let me know,” he’d told Wayne previously. “That’s what I’m here for as an educator.”

Professor Alexander even offered to hold her while he taught so Wayne could focus on his notes. Amazingly, Assata was calm and well-behaved during the entire lecture.

The photos of this lecture are so touching, Professor Alexander has now received praise from thousands of people on Twitter.

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