Struggling Waitress Who Can’t Feed Her 4 Kids After Husband’s Diagnosis Gets Life-Changing Tip

Jessica Reboredo and her husband worked tirelessly to provide for their three children. Jessica earned money by working as a server at Chili’s, while Robert worked as a professional carpenter.

But when Robert was just 24 years old, their lives were forever changed when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer that metastasized to his stomach and his lungs.

Making the situation even more dire and difficult was the fact Jessica was pregnant with their fourth child at the time of Robert’s diagnosis.

Robert flew from Las Vegas to Los Angeles in order to receive treatment, which meant Jessica had to travel man miles to be with him. Without his income to support the family, she was struggling to keep the bills paid and put food on the table — and she had to sleep in her car outside the hospital because she couldn’t afford a hotel.

Jessica didn’t know that an outpouring of support would soon come her way.

Though decades had passed, Jessica never lost touch with her second grade teacher, Kimberly. The former teacher ended up becoming a prominent figure in Jessica’s life.

In 2018, Kimberly contacted the Fox 5 Surprise Squad to see if they could help Jessica and her family.

In the clip below, Jessica thinks she’s working a seemingly normal shift at Chili’s. In reality, hidden cameras are set up throughout the restaurant as Jessica waited on multiple tables.

she was stunned when each customer began to leave her bigger and bigger tips.

The first tip was $200. The next was $300… then another $500… then a whopping $1,000.

But that still wasn’t enough…

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