
“My first marriage lasted six weeks. After the honeymoon, she started to get our place ready for her mother to move in, and her mother hated me because I was not of her race. She assured me things would be different once we got married, we would start our own lives, but I soon started to figure out that she just desperately wanted to get married. I happened to be the sucker that asked and went through.”

“The first time I told her I think we had made a mistake, she flipped out, took a bottle of pills, and called 911. I made a great effort after that to try my hardest, but in the end, we simply wanted different things. It made it even harder that she was super hot, really sweet (when she wanted to be), and before we got married, an absolute joy to be around. As soon as she got the ring on her finger, she changed for the worst, coming up to my work and berating women I would have to talk to, screaming, ‘HE’S A MARRIED MAN, AND NOT TO YOU!’ I just chalk it up to, everyone makes mistakes in life, and thinking that you’re in love with whom you hope is the last person you’ll ever say ‘I love you’ to is one of them.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/devinherenda/marriages-that-lasted-72-days-or-less