Stephen Colbert returned to host The Late Show on Monday following a two-week break so the host could recover from a ruptured appendix. “I know no one wants to hear about a hunk of dead intestine filled with poison and bile,” he said in his monologue, “but unfortunately, Donald Trump is in the news.” It’s good to have him back.

Trump recently claimed that he and his cronies have been “waging an all out war on American democracy,” and that, if re-elected, he would be a dictator, but only on the first day of his new presidency. Trump says he was only joking about the whole dictatorship thing, something something fake news, but Colbert isn’t so sure.

“Now, obviously, we know he’s kind of trolling here, but we also know he’s telling us exactly what he plans to do, and if he gets unlimited power, he won’t be giving it up,” Colbert warned before comparing Trump getting a taste of dictatorship to people trying crack.

The Late Show host then read a Washington Post op-ed from editor at large Robert Kagan, who wrote, “Indicting Trump for trying to overthrow the government will prove akin to indicting Caesar for crossing the Rubicon, and just as effective.” Colbert joked, “Yes, Trump is just like Caesar, except history will never associate him with salad.”

You can watch The Late Show monologue above.
