Season one of Bettter Call Saul lays the groundwork for what quickly turns into a patient, soft-spoken, and unassuming show about lawyer Jimmy McGill (before he becomes Saul Goodman). Better Call Saul never quite gets as action-packed as Breaking Bad, but that’s mainly because Walter White is trying to prove he’s a badass while Jimmy McGill wants to prove he’s a good guy. Still, season one was noticeably slower and more focused on Jimmy’s legal work, which is hard to make entertaining. Once Jimmy really starts getting pulled between two worlds in season two, the show really gets going.

Vince Gilligan (the mind behind Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul) knows that comedians tend to be pretty incredible dramatic actors as well. We all know Bryan Cranston’s most notable role before Walter White was the dad in Malcom in the Middle, but fewer are as familiar with Mr. Show. It’s an alternative comedy sketch show that aired on HBO in the 90s, and it stars David Cross and Bob Odenkirk. You may also recognize Michael McKean (Saul’s older brother) from This Is Spinal Tap

Other comedians featured in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul include Bill Burr, the Sklar Brothers, Steven Michael Quezada, Lavell Crawford, Javier Grajeda, and Matt Jones. All these talented performers add immense quality to the two shows. Odenkirk in particular helps keep Saul (the show and the character) avoid the most common mistake shows that deal with serious subject matter make: taking themselves too seriously.
