
“When I fell in love with my current partner. I realized I hadn’t ever actually experienced what real, true love felt like until I met him. It took meeting someone who treated me right to make me fully understand that all my prior experiences with past partners did not equate to what love actually is.”


“Absolutely this. I dated a guy, and things were okay, and I remember thinking, I guess I could spend my life with him, it wouldn’t be that bad. I kinda figured you just found someone you could tolerate, and that’s as good as it gets. We eventually broke up.

I started dating my husband, and it was like, ‘Oooooooh so this is how it’s supposed to be!’

So glad I didn’t settle for something so mediocre and miss out on the great love that I found.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ravenishak/signs-youre-not-really-in-love