Shia LaBeouf On ‘Hot Ones’ Is The Most Important Thing Today


Shia LaBeouf got his start at a very young age, playing the role of jokester Jouis Stevens in the family sitcom Even Stevens, for which he received a Young Artist Award and a Daytime Emmy, and from there his success only grew. There was a period of time where Shia found himself in a string of legal troubles, but he recently said in an MTV interview that he has “never had his feet more firmly planted on the ground,” and it shows. He seems to be doing truly, truly well these days, and you really just love to see it.

The season 10 premiere of one of my all-time favorite interview shows, Hot Ones, just dropped earlier today, featuring the Lawless and Holes star himself.

And my number one takeaway from this episode is that, man,

Shia is just such a fucking cool dude.

Not only is he incredibly kind throughout the whole interview, he’s seriously hilarious. I could watch him take ridiculously tiny bites of wings and discuss how the one-bone wings are so much prettier to eat than the two-bone wings all day long. He shares some great stories about wrestling with Tom Hardy, and explains why he believes that Will Ferrell could probably freestyle some sick bars.

He can’t really take the heat of the wings near the end of the interview, but hey, I probably couldn’t either.

Check it out below!

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